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School Counselors

Jule DeDea

Welcome to Champion Elementary, my name is Jule DeDea and I am your School Counselor. Please don’t hesitate to call 386-258-4664 ext. 52397 or email me with any of your concerns. I work with students to ensure a postive school experience.

Guidance services include:

  • Individual Counseling – available for anger management, loss, personal concerns.
  • Parent Support – conferences and referrals available as needed.
  • Character Education – daily lessons on morning broadcast to develop positive character traits.

Positive Self – Talk

Sometimes our anxiety causes us to make negative statements to ourselves. Our negative self-statements can cause anxiety. Positive self-talk is a simple strategy that involves creating and repeating several positive statements. Some examples of positive self-talk are:

  • I can do this.
  • I know this material.
  • I have practiced this material.
  • I’m going to do well on the test.

Bully Proofing Our School

What To Do When Others Are Bullied

  • Refuse to join in.
  • Speak out. Use words like: “Don’t treat him that way.”
  • Be a friend to the person who is being bullied.
  • Include students who are left out.


Is our word for the month of November. Helpful is giving or ready to give help.